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9 Tage / 8 Nächte

Mit fast 850 Vogelarten ist Costa Rica unter Vogelliebhabern schon lange ein beliebtes Ziel. Einer der Gr?nde f?r Costa Ricas ausserordentliche Vogelwelt sind die variablen Lebensräume, die das Land bietet: Regenwälder, Mangroven S?mpfe, Strände, Nebelwälder, Fl?sse und vieles mehr. Obwohl so unterschiedlich, liegen die verschiedenen Landschaftsformen mit ihren charakteristischen Bewohnern oft nicht weit voneinander entfernt. Gl?cklicherweise sind die meisten Vögel Costa Ricas nicht scheu, so dass sie relativ einfach zu entdecken sind. Je nach Jahreszeit, Region und Gl?ck ist es möglich bis zu einem Dutzend Vögel an einem Tag zu sehen. Vogelbeobachtungstouren werden von zahlreichen Berg- und Jungle Lodges angeboten und von erfahrenen, ausgebildeten F?hrern begleitet. Viele Zugvögel kommen das ganze Jahr ?ber nach Costa Rica, unter anderem der Fliegenschnäpper und die Goldamsel. Auch tropische Vogelarten sind weit verbreitet, so zum Beispiel Papagaie, Sittiche, Aras, Tukane und nat?rlich der legendäre Göttervogel Quetzal. Es gibt aber noch weitere nicht minder beeindruckende Vögel, wie die Motmots mit ihrem unverwechselbaren Schweif, Pirole und ihre hängenden Nester sowie eine grosse Anzahl von Falken, Milanen und Habichten. Oder begeistern Sie Vögel mit einem besonders schönen Federkleid? Dann halten Sie nach den farbenprächtigen Prachtmeisen sowie Pipras Ausschau und verpassen Sie nicht das perlmutartige Schillern des flatternden Kolibris. Es gibt keinen besseren Ort zur Vogelbeobachtung als Costa Rica.

Package Rates and Dates:
Dates Single Traveler Double
Nov 01 2014 - Oct 31 2015 $4400 $2600

* Prices are per person
* Price not valid during Christmas, New Years and Easter

Was Sie mitbringen sollten:

Bekleidung: Costa Rica ist ein sehr informelles und zwangloses Land. Formelle Kleidung wird nur in San José und zu speziellen Anlässen(Hochzeiten, Geburtstage, Jahrestage) getragen.
Wir empfehlen Ihnen einen Pullover fϋr die höheren Gebiete und T-Shirts, leichte Hosen sowie kurze Hosen fϋr die niedriger gelegenen Regionen mitzunehmen.
Fϋr die Kϋstenregion sollten Sie nicht vergessen: Hut oder Kappe, Sonnencreme und Sonnenbrille.
In den Regenwäldern und Nationalparks benötigen Sie Wanderschuhe, einen kleinen Rucksack, Wasserflasche, Taschenmesser, Taschenlampe, Insektenschutzmittel, Regenschutz und ein Fernglas, um die Tiere zu beobachten.


 • Empfang am Flughafen
 • Flughafentransfer (Ankunft & Abflug)
 • Zweisprachiger Fϋhrer während der ganzen Reise
 • 2 Nächte im Rodeo Hotel or Presidente /Standard Zimmer (F)
 • 2 Nächte im Tilajari Resort/Standardzimmer (F)
 • 2 Nächte in der Villa Lapas Lodge/Standardzimmer (F)
 • 2 Nächte in der Trogon Lodge/Standardzimmer (F)
 • Caño Negro Tour
 • Carara Nationalpark
 • Jungle Krokodil Safari
 • Alle Steuern inklusive

Daily Itinerary : 9 Tage / 8 Nächte

Day 1 : Arrival

Upon arrival in Juan Santamaria Airport, a representative from Costa Rican Trails will pick you up and take you to the Presidente Hotel (or El Rodeo) for your first night in San Jose

Overnight at Presidente Standard Room

Day 2 : San Jose - Tortuguero (B-L-D)

Early morning departure for Tortuguero. Enjoy a scenic drive through the Braulio Carrillo National Park (breakfast served enroute) and then a boat trip to the canals of Tortuguero.

Upon arrival to Laguna Lodge enjoy a welcome cocktail and lunch. The lodge will then schedule a visit to the Turtle Museum and town of Tortuguero. A jungle adventure of a lifetime! Think Amazon, only on a smaller scale. Tortuguero National Park, with its 21,000 hectares of preserved tropical rain forest, provides one of the best opportunities to experience a wide range of tropical wildlife.

In the evening, after a delicious meal, you will relax along the canals edge with a cocktail and enjoy the night sounds of the jungle

Overnight at Laguna Lodge Standard Room

Day 3 : Tortuguero Canals (B-L-D)

During the day enjoy scheduled boat tours to the small canals for bird & wildlife observation.

You might be able to observe Green-and-Rufous Kingfisher,American Pygmy-Kingfisher,Rufescent Tiger-Heron,Agami Heron,Sungrebe,Green Ibis,Crane Hawk,Hook-billed Kite,Crested Eagle, Great Green Macaw,Great Potoo and more

Overnight at Laguna Lodge Standard Room

Day 4 : Sarapiqui (B, L)

Enjoy a scenic boat ride back to the Port. After lunch on local restaurant continue to the Sarapiqiui area.

Set on the banks of the Puerto Viejo River, 42 miles North of San Jose and next to the Braulio Carrillo National Park, Sarapiqui is known as one of the richest areas for bird watching. Selva Verde lodge is found right on the side of the Sarapiquí River and offers very good birding in the gardens and woods that surround the facilities. The forest across the river is also a good area to explore. Common birds in the grounds of Selva Verde include Violaceous Trogon, Slaty-tailed Trogon, Keel-billed Toucan, Collared Aracari, White-necked Puffbird, Snowy Cotinga, Red-throated Ant-Tanager, Northern Barred-Woodcreeper, Ringed Kingfisher, Amazon Kingfisher, Green Kingfisher, Sunbittern, Fasciated Tiger-Heron, Buff-rumped Warbler, and Gray-necked Wood-Rail

Overnight at Selva Verde Lodge & Rainforest Reserve River Room

Day 5 : Sarapiqui (B)

Grab your binoculars and join our naturalist guide for an early morning bird walk on the grounds of Selva Verde. Morning is a very active time for the birds, so you can count on sighting several of the stunning tropical species that inhabit Selva Verde. Every morning is different, but they are all exciting! Your guide has a keen eye and a high-powered scope, so you can get close up views of birds you might not otherwise notice.

Later on a half day visit to La Selva OTS will be scheduled. Your guide will lead your walk, and give a glimpse of the leading-edge research conducted at La Selva as well as the Natural History of the Tropical Rain Forest. Species diversity is spectacular, including more than 1,850 species of plants, 350 species of trees, 448 species of birds, and approximated 500 species of ants

Overnight at Selva Verde Lodge & Rainforest Reserve River Room

Day 6 : Boca Tapada, San Carlos (B, L, D)

Continue to the Northern area of the country.

Maquenque Eco-lodge is a new 60 hectare reserve located just north of Boca Tapada, San Carlos and offers easy access to the newly created Maquenque National Wildlife Refuge, of 60.000 hectares in size. The Lodge is located inside the Maquenque Eco Preserve in Boca Tapada. Surrounded by tropical rainforests, and bordering the Majestic San Carlos River, it has become famous for being a unique region for ecology, wildlife observation and unique birding. This area is well known to spot Green Macaw, as well Agami Heron, Muscovy Duck, Great Curassow, Jabiru, Roseate Spoonbill, Green Ibis, Sunbittern, and much more

Overnight at Maquenque Ecolodge Standard Room

Day 7 : Safari (B, L, D)

If you want to enjoy the unique silence of the San Carlos River and observe the rich flora and fauna of this region, this trip is the right choice for you. At the beginning of the tour the guide gives you paddling instructions so you are well prepared for the relaxing and amazing floating trip on the river. You can focus on nature and enjoy the unique and relaxed surrounding. Floating slowly on the river you discover a lot of different water birds and river animals. In the afternoon walk on the trails on the hotel property

Overnight at Maquenque Ecolodge Standard Room

Day 8 : Return to San Jose (B)

Morning of leisure to rest and explore surrouning areas. Afternoon return back to San Jose

Overnight at Presidente Standard Room

Day 9 : Departure (B)

Transfer will be provided to the International airport

End of services

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