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Placeres para los Observadores de Aves (Guiado)

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9 días / 8 noches

Con casi 850 especies de aves, Costa Rica tiene muchos años de ser famosa entre los observadores de aves expertos. Una de las razones para la extraordinaria variedad de aves de Costa Rica es la gran variedad de hábitats: bosque lluvioso, pantanos de mangles, playas, bosques nubosos, ríos, etc. Lo mejor es que cualquier para de estos ecosistemas, con sus especies de aves propias se encuentran casi siempre a corta distancia uno de otro. Afortunadamente las aves de Costa Rica no son tímidas y verlas es relativamente fácil. En un día específico, dependiendo de la temporada, ubicación y suerte, es posible que vea varias docenas de especies. Muchos de los tours son guiados con estudio de aves incluido y el país está bien equipado con hoteles de montaña y bosque que se especializan en programas para la observación de aves. Muchas especies de reinitas, mosqueros, vireos, bolseros, etc. migran a Costa Rica todos los inviernos. También tendrá la oportunidad de ver muchas aves impresionantes que se relacionan con los trópicos como: loras, pericos, guacamayas, tucanes, tucancillos y el elusivo pero legendario quetzal. Sin embargo, hay muchas otras especies igualmente impresionantes en nuestros cielos, tales como los momoto o pájaro bobo, con su distintiva cola en forma de raqueta, las oropéndolas, que hacen asombrosos nidos colgantes y una gama increíble de halcones y gavilanes. Si busca aves con coloridos mágicos, los tienen unos de los plumajes más bellos; sin embargo, ninguo de ellos se compara con los rápidos colibríes. No encontrará un lugar major para observer aves que Costa Rica.

Package Rates and Dates:
Dates Single Traveler Double
Nov 01 2014 - Oct 31 2015 $4245 $2430

* Prices are per person
* Price not valid during Christmas, New Years and Easter

Que Traer:

Ropa: Costa Rica es un país muy informal. Las ropas formales se usan solo en la ciudad de San José y en ocasiones muy especiales (bodas, cumpleaños, aniversarios).
Recomendamos traer suéter para las zonas altas y camisas, pantalones o jeans ligeros y holgados para las tierras bajas. Para las visitas a la playa, no olvide traer una gorra o sombrero, protector solar y anteojos de sol.
Para visitar el bosque lluvioso y los Parques Nacionales recomendamos botas para caminar, una mochila pequeña, botella de agua, cuchilla, foco, repelente contra insectos, impermeable y un par de binoculares para observar a los animales.


 • - Recibimiento en el aeropuerto.
 • - Chofer/Guía bilingúe en autobús A/C durante todo el itinerario
 • - 2nts/Hotel El Rodeo o Presidente/Hab Standard (D)
 • - 2nts/Bosque de Paz/Hab Standard (FB)
 • - 2nts/Rancho Naturalista/ Hab Standard (FB)
 • - 2nts/Savegre Lodge/Hab Jr. Suite (D)
 • - Caminatas y observación de aves
 • - Tour a catarata
 • - Impuestos y cargos por servicios

Daily Itinerary : 9 días / 8 noches

Day 1 : Arrival - San Jose

A representative from Costa Rican Trails will meet you at the airport and provide transfer to El Rodel Hotel (or El Presidente Hotel)

Overnight at El Rodeo Estancia Boutique Hotel Standard room

Day 2 : Bosque de Paz (B, L, D)

The day starts with a scenic drive to Bosque de Paz, the Peace Forest. This 988 acre private reserve serves as a corridor between two National Parks: Poas and Juan Castro Blanco. This rain and cloud forest is a bird life sanctuary where the Resplendent Quetzal and the emerald toucanet are frequently seen. Bosque de Paz is where you will home for two nights

Overnight at Bosque de Paz Standard room

Day 3 : Hiking and bird watching (B, L, D)

This morning explore the flora and fauna that surrounds the area with your local guide. You will admire wonders of nature: outstanding birds, and wildlife at BOSQUE DE PAZ using the trails through the forest. At our preserve we count with different trails ranging from 1 kilometer to 7.5 kilometers, adding up to 22 kilometers through old growth and second growth forest. They have recorded more than 331 species of birds at our preserve since July, 1997, including Resplendent Quetzal, Scaled Antpitta, Black Guan, Emerald Toucanet, Three Wattled Bellbird, Ornate Hawk-Eagle, Zeledonia, and Silvery-fronted, Tapaculo, Black--faced Solitaire, American Dipper, Golden-browed Chlorophonia, abundant hummingbirds, among many others

Overnight at Bosque de Paz Standard room

Day 4 : & 5 - Rancho Naturalista,Turrialba (B, L, D)

Conveniently located between San Jose and the Caribbean Coast, this lively region is distinguished for its green rolling hills and fertile volcanic farmland.

Rancho Naturalista is among the finest in Central America. Over 450 species of birds have been recorded in the area. These birds may be sampled from this comfortable lodge famous for its excellent food, welcoming hospitality and stunning volcano views. Provisions are also made for non-birding companions who will find Rancho Naturalista a relaxing holiday retreat.

While enjoying your coffee or tea in the early morning on the balcony you will be amazed at the variety of tropical birds coming to the feeders. Groups of Gray-headed Chachalacas, Collared Aracaris, Passerinis Tanagers, and the impressive Montezuma Oropendolas will all provide quite a show. Other likely possibilities include Blue-crowned Motmot, Lineated and Black-cheeked Woodpeckers, Golden-hooded and White-lined Tanagers, and Scarlet-rumped Cacique. Hummingbird feeders only a few feet away are usually buzzing with Green Thorntails, White-necked Jacobins, Green-crowned Brilliants, Green-breasted Mangos, and Rufous-tailed Hummingbirds

Overnight at Rancho Naturalista Standard room

Day 6 : San Gerado de Dota (B)

San Gerardo de Dota is a tiny community in the Talamanca mountains settled in the fresh mist of a mountain valley surrounded by deep cloud forests and filled with massive tropical trees. It is also a paradise for birdwatchers as it has more than 170 bird species, including some of the rarest and endangered bird species. It is a special place for watching the resplendent quetzal bird, one of the most ornate creatures of the wild which belongs to the Trogonidae family.

Various migratory species arrive throughout the different seasons, joining the native species to add still more colorful views for birdwatchers. Among the visitors are the Orioles, Warblers, Tennessees and Raptors - while their native hosts include Long-tailed Silky-Flycatcher, Yellow-winged Vireo, the Flame-throated Warbler, Black-cheeked Warbler, Yellowish Flycatcher, Barred Becard, Tufted Flycatcher, Silvery-fronted Tapaculo, Zeledonia, Torrent Tyrannulet, Collared Trogon, Scintillant Hummingbird, Volcano Hummingbird, Fiery-throated Hummingbird, Spotted Wood-Quail, and of course the most wanted Resplendent Quetzal. In the highlands of the Paramo one can find the Volcano Junco and Timberline Wren

Overnight at Savegre Hotel Natural Reserve & Spa Junior Suite

Day 7 : Waterfall Tour (B)

One of the most impressive sceneries in the area is without a doubt the Savegre River Waterfall. Just within an hour walk you will have the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful waterfall surrounded by a dense cloud forest. Your guide will take you through the forest and show you the gorgeous flora and fauna the spreads alongside the crystal waters of the Savegre River, until the point where it turns into an amazing white veil. The Savegre River Waterfall is one more reason to fall in love with San Gerardo de Dota

Overnight at Savegre Hotel Natural Reserve & Spa Junior Suite

Day 8 : San José (B)

Return to El Rodeo Hotel (or El Presidente Hotel) at San Jose

Overnight at El Rodeo Estancia Boutique Hotel Standard Room

Day 9 : Departure (B)

Transfer to the international airport will be provided

End of services.

Disfrutar de la naturaleza y ayudar al medio ambiente teniendo una gira verde en Costa Rica.
Green Tours by Costa Rican Trails
Costa Rican Trails certificate of sustainable tourism Costa Rican Trails certificate of sustainable tourism Costa Rican Trails report from Better Business

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